Vibe is

Vibe stands for Vibrating in Better Energies and it is a global community establishing healing centers in stunning locations around the world, based on a revolutionary east and west model.
Vibe Holdings Ltd is the parent company of the Group, headquartered in London UK and it is a private members club. Our members spend the time they need to heal in one of our centers around the world and, upon graduating from our Primary in-patient treatment program, remain members of our community.
As members of the club, they can enjoy for a lifetime all our services.
These services include:
• Alumni meetings in major world capitals
• participation in our community
• regular follow-up in-person or online sessions with our dedicated team
• personalized recovery strategy for secondary treatment and following steps
• continuous updates of their personalized music Genote App and Icloud account
• direct access to recovery related world-leading figures and specialist
• invitations to key conferences and subject-related events worldwide
• access to the world leading recovery literature
• individual account on Vibein web site
• newsletter on Vibe news and events
• priority access and discounted prices to workshops in Vibe centers
• participation in all Vibe social and educational activities world wide